Subversive Femme



Bestest time ever!
Saturday started with me realising the bottom of the boots i planned to wear was coming off. Trying to find somewhere that sold Aryldite or Liquid Cement, on a saturday morning with no car meant i missed out on Ye Olde Yarn Swappe at the Guild. Big D’oh!!!
Went to the set up for coat check at lunch time, and found out I was a supervisor. Too funny!

Ran back home afterwards, had some early dinner, and raced off to the Boi’s house to get dressed (my travel buddy lived nearby so, we could go together).

I totally forgot to take a photo, so here is a truly TERRIBLE camera pic…. I’ll have to get the Boi to take some better ones.

Outfit consisted of fitted sailor shirt (with cute star patches on the back), waist cincher, poofy skirt (2 layers of tulle with lace edge, lining, and black skirt with white ribbon trim), seamed thigh high stockings and knee high giant boots.

It looked great!!! I got so many compliments!!!

Everyone was really friendly (i got some offers, but my coat check shift *really* interfeared with that), and had a really good time. The coat check shift was manic! The people before us wern’t really organised, stuff was mis-numbered (i.e. i checked my leather jacket early on, and when i went to grab it later i couldnt find that number hanger anywhere. I had to do a search for it). I have a small amount of carpet burn on my knees from crawling around looking for stuff on the ground. During one expedition, i looked up and realised that there were all these gay boys looking straight up my skirt – pretty funny.
As coat check queen, all my coat check b!tches called me “ma’am” (their idea, not mine) and I got to boss everyone around and basically be a toppy femme. Sweet…..
I got a lift home with someone at about 5am, showered and crawled into bed. Havent felt that ill in ages, but it was worth it. (Just to give you an idea how sick – knitting was making me feel queasy).

I’ve heard from one of the SLPA people that they plan on having another one later on this year – fingers crossed!!!

The Boi came home yesterday, it was so good to see him. I’ve missed him so much!!!

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